In New World, you can be able to jump into Aeternum and start exploring the island's mysteries. But like any MMO, New World is a hefty game, with its very own combat, crafting, and faction mechanics, each with its own intricacies to learn. So this guide will bring you some beginner tips as your starting point for your adventure.
Weapons Skill Trees and Builds
New World operates off a classless system, so your "class" or build is defined purely by the weapons you choose to wield. You can use two weapons at any given time, and with the available options, there are plenty of weapon and skill combinations. As players kill mobs using a particular weapon, they will gain experience and level up. Each time you gain a level, you'll get the point to spend in the skill trees. Early on in the game, you can respec your weapon for free, but once the weapon reaches level 10, you'll have to pay an Azoth cost that increases with each respecs.
Trade Skills Leveling Up
Trade Skills in New World are a variety of non-combat skills that the player can invest in and master. They are a core component of Character Progression and help drive the player-centric economy of the game. Trade Skills fall into three categories: Crafting, Gathering and Refining, with each having several skills for the player to devote themselves to. Players can invest in any number of Trade Skills and each will be useful in one aspect or another for both the player and other players they may trade with. Leveling up your professions will be an almighty grind, but you'll get all the resources you need and will help you earn lots of New World Coins in the game!
Understanding Aeternum Map
New World's map is massive. As you traverse Aeternum, you'll encounter random quests, dungeons, monsters and more. Whether you're new to MMOs or are a veteran of the genre, you'd be a fool to turn away from such detailed maps. You can use two interactive maps that will show you the locations of points of interest, chests, NPCs, and more.
Fast Travel
All things considered, Aeternum is a vast land, and with no mounts to speak of, it'd take rather a long time to get from point to point without a fast travel option. You will be able to fast travel to Settlements, and there are Spirit Shrines that serve as checkpoints in all regions. Fast travel will cost you Azoth, a special currency, and you can use one Settlement as a base for your Recall ability. Also, purchasing property in a Settlement will add an extra recall point. Just be prepared to save a lot of gold to pay for them! Your first house will cost 5,000 Gold, but after that, prices scale.
Quests Everywhere
Make sure to pick up everything you can. In New World, it's impossible to miss quests. Main Quests follow a story and take you all over Aeternum, while Side Stories offer a little more insight into the lore of each Territory and its denizens. A Legendary Quest will offer a valuable prize, such as the lengthy Legendary Fishing Pole quest chain. Town Projects and Faction Missions serve similar purposes in upgrading Settlements and vying for control of a Territory. While Town Projects are designed to level up the various workstations in a town, Faction Missions will grant you reputation and unlock higher tier benefits within your chosen Faction, as well as helping your Faction's Standing.
Understanding The Statistics
Understanding Attributes is key to success in this colossal MMO. Each of your character's 5 core attributes offers you a variety of different bonuses and boons, and before you have a good idea of how to level up your character, you'll need to understand what each attribute does for you.
Strength -- primarily melee weapons
Dexterity -- primarily ranged weapons
Intelligence -- primarily magic weapons
Focus -- primarily mana and healing
Constitution -- primarily Health
Until you hit level 20, respeccing is free; after level 20, it costs New World MMO Coins, and the amount increases the higher your level.
This New World guide walks you through some beginner tips for the new MMO and will be your base for your entire adventure. Please let us know if you have any different comments in the comments section below!